Welcome To CloudHight

Accelerate Your Journey To The Cloud

From vision to adoption, we partner with customers using empathetic approach to understand customer challenges to provide custom based solutions.

Who We Are

Employing The Latest Cloud Tools To Deliver Excellence

We focus on simplifying business transformation, applying thought leadership and innovation to complete our customer’s digital transformation journey with minimal impact. With Our specialized skillset, we can help you with the below:

Cloud Consulting

Our expert will help you map out your architecture.

Cloud Migration

Move your workload from on premises to cloud

App. Modernization

Improve performanance with microservices

Organization Upskill

Training for your inhouse staff for better performance

In Brief

Below is a summary of out achievements over the years.

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Projects Completed

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Happy Clients

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Applications Migrated

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Support Given

What We Do

Our Services

We help you leverage the cloud to accelerate your business growth, time to market, maximize cost savings, and realize your full business potentials.

Cloud Implementation

Managed Cloud Services

DevOps Implementation

Application Services

Cloud Training

DevOps Outsourcing

Project Based or Managed Service

We help you get the most out of the cloud, whether you're moving a data center, establishing a digital business, or developing data-driven services. Our team is multi-skilled and can support you based on project or on a managed service basis.

Ready to get started?

It's fast, free and very easy!

Clients Say


Below is what some of our clients have had to say about our service.

About our clients

Our clients vary from start-ups to departs in large corporations 

Elizabeth Freeman VP Process & Technology, CloudPatria Consulting

Cloudhight Consulting is an outstanding partner, worked closely with our internal team to successfully completed our complex cloud migration